24 October 2011

Jorden Miller

This drawing in some ways has been the highlight of my artistic pursuits, but it came at such a hard time, it almost doesn't feel right to say that. 1 Week ago, 4 of the youth in Magrath were tragically killed in a car accident. A lady we go to church with contacted me and asked me if I would be able to draw a picture of one of the girls with the Savior as a gift for the parents, to help them cope with the loss of their daughter. I have to say that I think it is probably the best I have ever drawn. The crazy thing, though, is that I hardly had to erase anything. I felt like I was watching God use my hands to create this visual message for two of his children that were hurting so bad for the loss of one of theirs. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to be his hands. I love this drawing.


  1. Beautiful! Makes me cry everytime I see it.

    Beth in Texas

  2. This drawing haunts me, maybe because I know her mother but mostly because it is how I really believe Jorden is being embraced. ...and like Beth, makes me cry.
