24 April 2012

New Favorite

I've never done anything with horses before, but I was so excited to do this painting. When I was approached about this picture I was unsure if it would work, but when I saw the photograph I was amazed at the quality of the light. This has been my favorite painting to work on. I'm thinking I might want to do more rodeo or wildlife paintings...I guess we'll see

09 February 2012

Housewarming/birthday present for my mom.

My parents recently moved to a new house, last time we went down I brought a little housewarming present for them. When I was in high school I drew a picture of Christ for my mom for Christmas. It always bothered me because I hadn't spent a lot of time on it. So in university I did another one. Every time we visited it bugged me too. so, in some ways it was selfish, this isn't the greatest photo of it, I'll have to repost a better one later.

Dana's Christmas Present

My sister asked me if I would do a painting for her for Christmas that shows the way that she's. Been carried through recent trials by her friends. I thought that the Sweetwater rescue was an appropriate way to symbolize that.

2 more angels

I have been working hard on these drawings for the families of Clay Card and Danae Gough.

24 October 2011

Jorden Miller

This drawing in some ways has been the highlight of my artistic pursuits, but it came at such a hard time, it almost doesn't feel right to say that. 1 Week ago, 4 of the youth in Magrath were tragically killed in a car accident. A lady we go to church with contacted me and asked me if I would be able to draw a picture of one of the girls with the Savior as a gift for the parents, to help them cope with the loss of their daughter. I have to say that I think it is probably the best I have ever drawn. The crazy thing, though, is that I hardly had to erase anything. I felt like I was watching God use my hands to create this visual message for two of his children that were hurting so bad for the loss of one of theirs. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to be his hands. I love this drawing.

Mandee"s Christmas Present

This has been done for a long time now, but I'm just now getting around to posting it. Mandee told me that for Christmas last year she wanted me to paint her a picture that showed Christ's love for his children, and this was the result. it's called The Living Water, The Bread of Life.

Landscape Paintings

I decided to give landscape painting a try...and loved it. This was a photograph taken by a friend that I though would make a great painting.