28 October 2009

3-D work



This is a cartoon that i did for the New Era, what kid hasn't tried to
get their way out of chores on a Saturday morning.

Another New era cartoon, kind of addressing the preacher-prayer...

I did this one for the Daily Universe, pedestrians are a one of a
kind phenomenon here at BYU...

I sold security systems in Chicago one summer, i found that some of the people
weren't nearly as interested in quick police response as they
were in keeping the police away...
this was one of my first published cartoons, in SVU's newspaper, the Paladin;
it deals with classic differences in freshmen girls and guys

27 October 2009

Pencil Drawings

Life drawing

Christ on the cross

this piece was a conceptual self portrait, i used 3 different types of trees and "grafted" them together. the type of wood (pine, maple, and olive) is symbolic of different interests in my life.

life drawing

still life

Welcome to my Blog

i decided that i needed an online space that i can use to display my work. i'll include photos of old work, present work and in the future, i'll probably even post new work- i hope you enjoy it-